Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A First Look

Although First Looks are growing in popularity, they are still a topic of controversy.  What is a First Look you may ask?  The First Look is when a bride and groom elect to see each other for the first time before their wedding.  SPOILER ALERT: if you are a bride and have opted not to do a First Look, I am going to try and convince you otherwise......

When Jesse and I got married seven years ago, I went the traditional route.  Of course, hardly anyone (that I know of) did a First Look then.  I guess it was the thought that "it was bad luck to see the groom before the wedding".  If I had it to do over again though, I would definitely opt for a First Look.  When I walked down the aisle I was a bundle of nerves and don't even remember seeing Jesse or his first reaction to my entrance.   I don't know if that was because the aisle was to long (doubtful) or if it was that I had several eyes fixed on me and realized I was the center of attention.  To make matters worse, I have no pictures that capture the moment either!

Unfortunately for brides, there is no "Walking Down the Aisle 101" course.  Was I suppose to smile or be serious when I walked down the aisle?  Look at the crowd or no? Wear the veil over my face or not?  On top of everything, I had no idea about the pace I was to be walking at.  Was I really suppose to take a step forward and then hold a beat before continuing with the next step?  Oh the horror... Needless to say my nerves and thoughts had me so distracted that I couldn't even concentrate on the current; the moment I had been waiting for all my life.

I would encourage every future bride out there to do a First Look! Below is a list of the positives:
  • You and your groom get to have an intimate first moment.  Only you, the groom, and the photographer will be present.
  • As a bride, you get to see your groom's face and his reactions up close when he turns around and sees you for the first time. 
  • You can talk with each other and have a moment to "breathe".  I feel like that makes the reveal moment less awkward!
  • If you are nervous at all, the First Look can be a great ice breaker.
  • You can get all of your family and bridal party pictures out of the way before the wedding, which allows you to be able to get to your reception faster.  (When I got married, it seemed like our pictures took forever afterwards and our guests had to wait for us to finish before the dinner and reception could even start.)
  • A bonus photography wise, because your photographer can capture the moment up close.  Your album pictures will be better!
Now lets take a look at the positives for a traditional "walking down the aisle first look".

  • You can ease your did not see the groom before the wedding! (For all you traditional brides out there.....don't forget I was one of you and fell into this "old wives tale trap").
Well, I have said my piece.  Which type of bride are you going to be?