Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Three Words

If you are just now tuning in to my blog, you will quickly discover that I love Jasmine Star!  She recently challenged several photographers at a live workshop to sum up their wedding photography style into three words.  This got me thinking....what are mine?


I want to keep it real.  Fake smiles and stiff structured poses = meaningless and unemotional pictures.  Sure they help to capture moments of the day, but not genuine reactions.  Why do you need me, a professional photographer, for that, when you have a billion people in your audience with a point and shoot camera? I want to help pick locations, lighting, and poses that are going to bring about natural reactions from you and your groom. Real smiles, emotions, and tears = a happy bride when she sees her photos for the first time!


A lot of my inspiration comes from other photographers and models in magazines.  I love how strong, unique, and confident the models look.  Who wouldn't want to feel like that for a day?  Your wedding day is your time to shine!  Bring it girl! I want you to feel confident and will do my best to bring it out of you.

I absolutely love details.  Let me see the shoes, the earrings, the note your groom wrote to you on your wedding day, etc.  I want to capture the whole day, including all the little details that might be overlooked by someone else.  You picked your colors, the location, your dress, and your rings for a reason.  They should be captured!


I am constantly looking for new ideas or ways to shoot.  I don't want to shoot two different weddings the exact same way, with all the same poses.  To me, wedding photography should be a mix between classic traditional shots and unique and creative shots.

It is hard to sum up your entire photography style into three words, but there it is!