Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mad Men: Waldorf Stories

Due to the fact that my husband and I don't have cable TV at home, I wasn't able to watch the latest Mad Men episode until last night online.  Mad Men has certainly taken a new route this year.  Betty and Don are no longer married, much to my disappointment.  Even though their marriage sucked, I still enjoyed the fighting and the occasional make up.  I know, I am such a girl! Cooper, Sterling, Lane, and Price have also gone into business for themselves this season. Watching them struggle and deceive competitors for accounts has been extremely interesting.  As for Don Draper this season, his life keeps getting worse and worse!  Is there anyone who hasn't slept with Don?  I can't believe he hasn't died yet considering the way he drinks and all of the std's he has probably contracted by now.

Despite all the depressing things happening on Mad Men this season, I find myself still intrigued by the show.  The Waldorf Stories episode could not have ended in a better way.  Did anyone else get the idea that Don was never truly hired by Roger Sterling?  I bet Don got Roger so drunk on purpose, just so that the next morning he could say, "Don't you remember you hired me?  You said, Welcome Aboard!", and Roger would have no choice but to believe him.  Roger would never have been able to remember anything given his drunken state the day before.  I would be willing to argue that my theory is supported by Don's past.  Has Don ever gotten anywhere the honest way?  I mean he moved up in the world originally by stilling a dying man's name and life.

Even though Pete is a complete douche, I still secretly hope he and Peggy will end up together.  Never going to happen I know.  As my husband tells me, "This show isn't a love story!  That is not what the show is about."  I LOVE the tension between Pete and Peggy!  They should just kiss and make up.  Now that Peggy has become more sure of herself and her opinions, I have no doubt that she could whip Pete into shape.

I would also LOVE to see "Joanie" and Sterling hook up again.  Why you may ask?  My only response is that I am a girl and I desperately wish for there to be some love story underlying the show.  My husband, like many men, think Joan is HOT!  As a woman, I think it is more that, "confidence is the key."  Men love confident women who carry themselves well.

Last question for the day, Who could possibly stand to wear bras like that?  Every time I watch the show, I can't help but notice the pointedness of the women's bras.  Insane!!

I know this has not been photography related, but I intend to make this blog about more than just photography.