Monday, September 26, 2011

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

So, on occasion I've been known to be gullible.  But I would argue that it's not my fault!

My husband certainly thinks this is funny.  Every once in awhile he likes to see just what he can get me to believe.  Don't you feel sorry for me? haha.

Yesterday was just the tip of the ice berg.  Let me just recount the events for you.

Phone: Ring, Ring.

Me: Hello?

Jesse: Hey it's me.  I jumped on I-35 and I forgot my wallet at home.  I am not going to have any money to pay the toll with when I get to the booth.  Is there anyway you can read me our credit card number, so that I can see if they will take that as payment?

Me: Uh... sure. (I am feeling horrible for him at this point) I need to go grab it out of the car though.  Just a second......(Right next to my credit card in the car, I find his wallet, so I know he is telling me the truth and I proceed to read off the numbers)

Jesse: Thanks. Bye.

5 min. later

Phone: Ring, Ring.

Me: Hello?

Jesse: Can you come and get Aubrey?  I am being arrested for driving without my license and for not having money on me to pay the toll.

Me: Are you kidding me?

Jesse: Would I joke about this?  So can you come and get Aubrey or does she need to come down to the station with the cops?

Me: (My heart is pounding...and I feel like I am about to have a panic/heart attack). Are you serious?

The moment I believe.....BAM

Jesse: I am just joking!  HAHA.

Mean, I tell you! Mean. I'll admit, the things I am willing to believe sometimes is a little outrageous.  But this, it could happen.....right? 

You be the judge. Would you say, gullible? or trusting?

This story was at least more believable than the time he told me he thought we hit a body floating in the water while on his parent's pontoon boat.

Oh, Jesse, what to do with you, what to do.  I will get you back some day for all this torture.  The question is how?  I guess you best watch your back!

On another note, a fun pic to finish out today's blog.  A sneak peek from a wedding I just recently did.

1 comment:

  1. Hysterical! Dale scared me SO bad at the beginning of our marriage and it took me 10 years to get him back. 10 stinkin' years!!!!! I blogged about it for tomorrow, you'll have to come visit me. :)
    I sure enjoy looking at your photos. I wish I lived closer so I could come shadow you and learn some stuff. :) Ever since I started blogging people have started asking me to do their babies pics: SO INTIMIDATING! I just don't know my camera enough to deal with lighting issues, blur issues etc. Anyhow, keep up the good work! You have a God-given talent for this line of work! ~Tonya


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